WinUtils - wc

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wc - display a count of lines, words, and characters in a file


wc [-clwR] file...


c reads one or more input files and writes the number of lines, words, and characters in each file to the standard output. If more than one file is supplied, then a total count for all the files is also written. If no options are supplied, then wc defaults to all (-clw).

wc considers a word to be a string of characters delimited by white space (space, tab, newline, etc.).


-c Count characters.
-l Count lines.
-w Count words.
-R Recurse into sub-directories.
file... A list of file names, or file specifications.


   wc text.txt

will print the count of characters, lines, words in the file text.txt.

   wc -l -c *.cpp *.h

will print the count of characters, and lines in all files with an extension .cpp or .h.