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PrEditor - the Programmer's Editor

An award-winning, industrial-strength editor for Windows™ for editing text, HTML, source code, and configuration files. Whether you program in C/C++, Java, SQL, PHP, Perl, or one of the many other supported languages, you'll appreciate the powerful, consistent user interface.

New!Version 2.1 is now available with lots more features to help you write solid code. Download a free trial and check out the features for yourself.

PrEditor comes with full on-line help, with tutorials, guides, and comprehensive reference material, to help you get started, familiarised with its functionality, and make the most of the many features.

WinUtils - tools for Windows™ Free!

A collection of UNIX like utilities for Windows™, which give the power user better control over the DOS command prompt.


11 July 2005 - hotsoft32.com award PrEditor v2.1 a "5-star" rating. More...

30 June 2005 - SoftChecker award PrEditor v2.1 an "Excellent (5/5)" rating. More...

30 June 2005 - Critical Files award PrEditor v2.1 an "Excellent (5/5)" rating. More...

27 June 2005 - PrEditor version 2.1 released! This release includes support for Exuberant Tags, enhanced macros, file encryption/decryption, and many other features. Read the press release...

19 June 2005 - Byte Flow award PrEditor an "Excellent (5/5)" rating. More...

7 June 2005 - Softsia award PrEditor a "5 Stars" rating. More...

28 May 2005 - Softdll award PrEditor a "5 Stars" rating. More...

22 April 2005 - Maxx Download award PrEditor a "5 Stars" rating. More...

11 April 2005 - FreshShare Networks award PrEditor a "5 Stars" rating. More...

8 April 2005 - Fast Download Info award PrEditor a "5 Stars" rating. More...

22 March 2005 - Free Trial Downloads award PrEditor a "5 Stars" rating. More...

February 12, 2005 - SharewarePost award PrEditor a "5 Stars" rating. Check out our awards page...

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